Each week, join RC Norman, as he unfolds scriptures and Godly principles to ultimately help listeners understand the process of renewing their mind in Christ. These short teachings will bring knowledge of God's word and are meant to encourage listeners who are seeking to have a personal relationship with God. Our purpose is to help Christians deal with issues involving mental health as well as lifestyle principles according to the Word of God. This podcast will also be dealing with the mind from not only a psychological stance, but most importantly a spiritual stance as well as delving into how to begin to renew the mind from a worldly point of view unto a mind like Christ. Peace, joy, and happiness begins with a mind that has been ReNewed!
93 episodes
Answered Prayers
A lot of times we become discouraged or impatient whenever our prayers aren't immediately answered. We fail to ask the question, "Is my prayer in alignment with the will of God?" There are certain requirements that we must meet in order for God...
Season 2
Episode 8

Be Ye Holy
Many Christians believe that if they just confess that Jesus is Lord then they are truly saved. A lot are not taught neither understand that salvation is a process. Until one have become sanctified through the Spirit of God then one is...
Season 2
Episode 7

The Proper Attire
On this episode we will discuss the attire in which all believers should be dressed in. There are worldly garbs as well as spiritual garbs but we are going to find out which is the most valuable and how to rid the other.Please Share! Go...
Season 2
Episode 6

The Danger of Idleness
One of the most dangerous things that a born again believer can be is idle. The enemy's job is to have us stagnant and not in pursuit of purpose. On this episode we will discuss exactly what we need to do in order not to become idle.You...
Season 2
Episode 5

The Tortured Price
Often times we live everyday without any remembrance of what it actually cost for our souls. If we lived with a clear visual of this price our lives would be lived out differently. On this episode we will discuss the healing that comes be...
Season 2
Episode 4

The Battle of Insecurities
One of the most dangerous things that has hindered a lot of people has been insecurity. This battle becomes overwhelming especially when we are not confident or secure in who we were called to be. On this episode we are going to find the soluti...
Season 2
Episode 3

Adjusting The Focus
We all are guilty at times of loosing focus on what is most important. Reason being is because we deal with everyday situations and life has a way of having you consumed on issues. On this episode we are going to discuss where our focus should ...
Season 2
Episode 2

Breaking the Chains of Homosexuality
Often times I've encountered homosexuals and after I talked with them come to find out they really don't want to live that way. The problem they face is how do I deal and overcome these lustful passions? Many struggle finding the path to discov...
Season 2
Episode 1

Responding To Conviction
One of the greatest gifts God has given us the ability to be convicted. Conviction can be a beautiful thing if adhered unto. On this episode we will discuss exactly what is conviction and the tragedies that can occur by refusing it opposed to t...
Episode 85

The War Within
As believers we will constantly be dealing with an internal war. This war can only be won through the power of Christ. On this episode we will discuss exactly what this war entails and give guidelines on how to live victorious!G...
Episode 84

Evaluating The Excruciating Price
Often times Christians wonder why at times it seems so hard to live a life that is in alignment with the word of God. I have heard some go as far to say that it's almost impossible to live without sin in your life. I definitely disagree because...
Episode 83

Run Your Race
So we have all heard the phrase, "life is a rat race." Life is absolutely a race but for the believer it could be a race that if finished and ran well there is an incorruptible reward awaiting. On this episode we will discuss what it takes to r...
Episode 82

Find Vision, Find Life
A lot of us have either heard or know the verse, where there is no vision the people perish. However, what does having vision truly mean and what does it entail? Also how does vision pertain to finding life? Tune into this episode as we delve i...
Episode 81

Enduring Adversity
Many times when we are faced with adversities, afflictions, troubles, tribulations, or sufferings that comes our way, we tend to deem it as being something we have done wrong. Granted sin can bring about these but also it can be apart of being ...
Episode 80

Learning How To Love Yourself
One of the most saddest things is to see someone take their own life and it stems from them not knowing how God views them. It's impossible to show love unto others until we first learn how to love ourselves. On this episode we are going to dis...
Episode 79

Living To Be Presented Blameless
Many people have been told that it is impossible to live a blameless or a life void of sin no matter if you are a Christian. I tend to disagree. However, I do agree that it is impossible to do it on your own merit or strength. A life yielded to...
Episode 78

Don't Allow The Cup To Pass
I'm almost certain all of us at points have experienced hardships, pain, or some type of sufferings in our life. On this episode I have great news for you. Your life doesn't have to end with suffering. It's inevitable that sufferings are apart ...
Episode 77

More Grace
Many times we go to God and ask Him for grace, but do we really know what this entails. On this episode we will discover and define what Grace actually is and how we can walk in it and receive more of it. It is a gift that God has given unto us...
Episode 76

I truly believe the WHOLE Word of God in its entirety, but especially when it tells us to pray for one another. On this episode we are going to pray for one other and watch God meet your very need. Love you to life!!!God Bless!!!
Episode 75

A Great Guide
Often in life we hear to follow our heart or listen to your mind but this all is wrong and I don't know about you but this has led me to in many pitfalls. There is a guide that is waiting to lead us if we just hearken unto her voice. On this ep...
Episode 74

Embracing Change
Often times life seems to bring about change that can be very daunting. However in this life we must learn to truly walk by faith and not by sight. Learning to trust God fully can allow us to learn how to truly embrace change!God Bless!...
Episode 73

Am I Fruitful???
Often times we have heard about being fruitful as a Christian, but do we truly know what that entails. On this episode we are going to discuss what it really means to bring forth fruit. Trust me you don't want to miss this one!God Bless...
Episode 72

Learning To Be Content
Often times in life we stress and worry over the things that we want opposed to being grateful for the things that we have. One of the most deadliest things you can do for your life is coveting what others may have that your flesh desire. Would...
Episode 71