Each week, join RC Norman, as he unfolds scriptures and Godly principles to ultimately help listeners understand the process of renewing their mind in Christ. These short teachings will bring knowledge of God's word and are meant to encourage listeners who are seeking to have a personal relationship with God. Our purpose is to help Christians deal with issues involving mental health as well as lifestyle principles according to the Word of God. This podcast will also be dealing with the mind from not only a psychological stance, but most importantly a spiritual stance as well as delving into how to begin to renew the mind from a worldly point of view unto a mind like Christ. Peace, joy, and happiness begins with a mind that has been ReNewed!
Answered Prayers
Season 2
Episode 8
A lot of times we become discouraged or impatient whenever our prayers aren't immediately answered. We fail to ask the question, "Is my prayer in alignment with the will of God?" There are certain requirements that we must meet in order for God to hear and answer our prayers. On this episode we are going to access the key to unlock the chambers to answered prayers.
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Email: rcnormanministries@gmail.com
Website: http://www.rcnormanministries.org